Antiquing Mirrors Altering Clearance Finds
I found these scrolly mirror thingys at Hob Lob in the 80% of section. They where not the right color but for six bucks I figured I would use my trusty black spray paint to fix that problem. After I sprayed them and hung them in my room something still wasn't right. The mirrors where way to shinny and where disrupting some sort of Fung Shway. (see how much I know about Feng Shui, I can't even spell it) Bottom line it looked bad. My hubby who pretty much says nothing (smart man) about what I do to the house, even asked "whats up with those mirrors?"
I knew then something had to be done.

I started researching ways to antique or age new mirrors. Surprisingly there was very little free info online about easy ways to do it. I did find a couple of expensive kits. But I wasn't willing to pay $60 dollars and the kits where huge! Tons of steps and chemicals. Not my thing at all. So I decided to use some things I had on hand and see if I could come up with a easy cheap solution. I also wanted to share it with you because frankly I think this is a way better idea than the $60 kits (sorry kit makers) for small decorative items.
This is not an entirely new idea, I've seen glass Christmas ornaments altered with alcohol inks that are gorgeous. I figured the technique would work well on a mirror, after all it's just glass with a reflective backing.
Up There^^^^ is a picture of the things you will need.
1. Tim Holtz Alcohol inks These come in a pack of 4 coordinating colors for about 8.00 Hobby Lobby carries them and they do go on 50% off quite often. I used Black, Mushroom and a Silver metal Mixative. This is fun stuff! Tim Holtz has a cool blog if you want to see the wonderful things he does with his inks.
2. Tim Holtz Blending Solution (plain alcohol works too with a somewhat different effect)
3. Paper towels
4. Old Toothbrush
5. Some felt for application (I had the Tim Holtz stamp felt holder thing so I used that but anything disposable with work for this) Cotton balls work as well.
6. Something to protect the surface you will be working on. This can get a little messy.

Randomly drip your alcohol inks on the mirrors surface. Think random. Don't be scared this can be wiped right off if you don't like it.

This is where you get artistic!
Pounce with paper towel to move ink around and remove some of it from your surface. I like to put a little of the blending solution on my paper towel. Keep adding ink until desired effect is achieved.

Now add some ink to your felt or cotton and pounce kind of like sponge panting. This is where the "faux oxidization" is added. Again just keep adding until it looks right to you.

Squirt some of the blending solution on an old toothbrush and use your thumb to spray the mirror.

It will give you a molted effect.

I went back and added bigger blobs of blending solution with a bit of felt.

The case of the garishly shiny scrolly mirror is now solved!

Here they are back in the room .

Much better.

Great...great...great tutorial...we have seen this done, but it can be so expensive! We will have to try this from Hobby Lobby! You are the best!
Love your blog!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
I LOVE your bedroom. *drool*
Those turn out really cool. I like your decorating style.
The mirrors look GREAT! I can't believe you did that. Well, yes I can. :o) Your room looks sooooo good. Obviously, you made the right choice when your ordered that tulip for over your bed! lol
Aimee, you are awesome! That looks so cool, much more expensive than it was. Wow! Your bedroom looks great--I love the green with the red accents. Beautiful!
Very nice! Your mirrors are gorgeous! I have an old tarnished mirror that I rescued from someone's trash, and I just love the patina on it.
Wow ~ Those turned out wonderful!!!
You have a great style :)
~ Maizie @ 2Peas
Wow, I love it. They look amazing. I never would have thought to "antique a mirror" Your whole room is beautiful, your bed your curtains all of it. Thanks for the tutorial, now I want to go to Hobby Lobby :)
Ok, I just scrolled down and looked at more of your posts, you are so creative. I LOVE the ladder on your porch. You've made me feel better about my bedroom wall too. I painted them green about a year ago and have sorta regreted it a little. But now that I see your, I think with some redorating they will look great.
I'm tell you what.. you have quite an eye for decorating my friend. I LOVE everything you've done in your house! Thanks so much for sharing. I've been so busy I havent had time to get over to check things out for a bit.. but what a treat it was catching up!
Those look great!
I also hit the HL 80% aisle and found two huge mirrors with crazy copper-colored frames. They are still propped up in my garage but I'm hoping to introduce them to some spray paint this weekend.
These mirrors are a masterpiece! Wow, you are so talented, I would of never seen what you did when you saw these cool mirrors!!! Thanks for sharing how you did them with all of us!
Have a happy and safe 4th!
Very nice!!! Dont feel bad I cant even say fung sway... must less spell it. It looks good however you say it! Susie H~
Hey, I just wanted to let you know, I just googled Rod Works and they have an website were you can buy the rod iron picture hanger thing. Their website is
Your mirrors turned out beautifully. Did you paint the mirror face? I tried to antique mirrors by removing the paint on the backside and I wasn't very happy with the results, but this seems doable.
Awesome! I've been lurking around to see how you would finish that space above your bed...waiting to see the print you ordered. That could not have turned out prettier!!
Stacey :)
Wow, what a difference it makes. They look great!
I love it! Awesome job! Screaming Meme
Looks amazing. I'm loving your bedspread... I have the exact same one! ;)
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