Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Finally Feeling Better

Today I am finally on the upswing from the horrible neck thing. Yay. I'm so exhausted from lack of sleep, and trying to get caught up on all the house stuff that gets neglected when Mom is sick. I was so happy to go do a little thrifting today. I started a little plate display/collection on the kitchen wall, on either side of the window. It's a work in progress and I've already changed and rearrange since I took these pictures but I thought I would share my process.

Reasonably priced brown transferware has proven a bit elusive around here. So I mixed it with some creamware and vintage silver. I'm liking the bit of glimmer and texture the silver gives.

In the end I put 4 plates on either side of the window. Mixing silver, ceramics, size and shape while try to keep it uniform. I'll post pictures of the finished wall tomorrow.

The little finial thingy in the center of the table was another junk store find for $4.00. I haven't decided where to put it yet, so it's kind of hanging out on the table while I make up my mind. I bought the table and 6 chairs off CraigsList for 150.00 in November. It is in like new condition has big chunky chairs and a great "shabby" finish. I love CraigsList.

I decided to paint my dining room "totally tan". So that is on the to-do list for the weekend. We also need to work on our little goldfish pond in the backyard it has seemed to have developed a leak. It should be a busy weekend. I hope you all are having a lovely week!


Here are the promised pictures of the finished (for now) display. I can't seem to figure out how to get a decent picture of the whole wall because of the window glare. Anyone have any photog tips for me??


Marie said...

There was an audible gasp in the room when I opened your webpage this morning. PRETTY PLATES! I love brown transferware best, I think. And it IS harder to find! Your kitchen looks so nice. :o)

Glad you are feeling better. I can totally relate to having a neck pain. I think the crick in my neck is gone for now. Finally. Whew.

Jo said...

I'm glad you're feeling better!

Your plates are gorgeous. I love brown transferware too!

Anonymous said...

It's great to here you are feeling better. Neck pain is so annoying.

Love the plate display and new wall color. I have a similar color in my family room and kitchen. Anything cream or white looks spectacualr against the brown. It's almost like coffee and whip topping. Yumm.

Have a great weekend.


Darla said...

Glad you are feeling better.

I love all the plates. I haven't done any plates yet....hmmmmm....

What color is your bedroom now that you are painting it totally tan?

aimee said...

Darla- The room is builders off white right now. We moved into this house 5 years ago and it was a new build. I have been ever so slowly painting each room. I was really nervous choosing color at first.

Kimba said...

Very pretty. I love the combination of colors. Brown transferware is my favorite. Wait...maybe green. Blue is nice too. Ooooo red! ;-)

I'm glad you're feeling better. I had a bout of major neck pain a couple of months ago. It's really miserable and debilitating (did I spell that right?).

Donna Lynn said...

Hi Aimee,
I wrote you a little thank you under your comment on my blog!

I love your plates, great job! Your really doing a wonderful job and I think you will love the way everything you have will pop off the new color you are going to paint the walls...I am a paint nut, I change the color of my walls like my underware!...OK, not that much, but almost!

Glad your feeling better, sorry you had neck pain that sucks!
Have a great weekend,
Donna Lynn

Jan said...

We like alot of the same things. Just lovely. The plates mixed with the silver trays is very attractive.

Vicki Chrisman said...

Beautiful plates! Actually...everything is so perfect in your house.. love it!
Wow you have a great style!

Oliver's said...

Your plates look beautiful, I love the chocolate color! Glad you are feeling better, Paula

Mrs. B said...

Hi Aimee! Oooh, I love love love your plate display! I think the combo of the cream, transferware, and silver is perfect and they all look great against your wall color. I've been wanting to do some silver pieces on my bedroom walls, I may have to steal your idea of mixing them with the white. I NEVER find brown transferware. I'm thinking I'm going to have to break down and buy some off ebay or something.

Donna Lynn said...

Hey Aimee,
Just checking in today! Hope you are having a lovely Monday, we are having great weather so I am happy!

Bless you!
Donna Lynn

{oc cottage} said...

Love the look!

M ^..^

Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

I LOVE those plates!! Gorgeous! and they look so nice with your wall colour! Is that Tobacco Road?

Donna Lynn said...

Just checking on you! Hope you had a beautiful day!

Donna Lynn